High School Fall Ball

Fall Ball is making a triumphant return to the area after a decade-long hiatus. In this unique and exciting event hosted by 336, players from various locations are brought together to form mixed teams. Picture three Poles from West teaming up with three Middies from East, three Attack from RJR, and a Goalie from Davie. The games are scheduled for Sunday afternoons.

While it might seem unconventional, this approach has proven to be one of the best things for lacrosse in the area. The diverse team compositions allow players to get to know each other, fostering camaraderie that translates into more competitive regular season games. To incentivize participation, High School coach choosing to lead a team (independent of their program's players) will receive $20 per player for their program.

Join us for Fall Ball 2.0 in the fall of 2024, where the spirit of collaboration and competition promises to elevate the lacrosse experience in the area.

2024 Fall Ball

Join us for the triumphant return of Fall Ball, hosted by 336, where players form mixed teams from various locations for Sunday afternoon games, fostering camaraderie and competitiveness. Experience the unique approach that has elevated lacrosse in the area, and don't miss the chance to be part of Fall Ball 2.0 in the fall of 2024!

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